
Rong Jun - erhu instructor at Capilano University

戎峻 Capilano 大学二胡专业教师 

戎峻,著名二胡演奏家,从小随父学习二胡,12岁考入中国音乐学院附中,师从蒋青(蒋风之先生之女),何楚荣,张尊连教授,之后继续考入中国音乐学院本科,师从曹德维教授。在校期间主修了二胡,同时选修古筝,钢琴。毕业时以优异的成绩获得了中国音乐学院学士学位,并成功的举办了个人独奏音乐会。毕业后,任职在中国歌剧舞剧院工作,并担任独奏和乐队演奏,曾代表国家到不同的国家访问演出。移居加拿大后继续活跃在音乐舞台上。多年来她参加了包括大型交响音乐会,室内音乐会,影片配音,光碟录音,音乐节以及加拿大国家电台,电视台等各种不同场合的演奏。她的演奏技巧获得了来自专 业人士和听众的好评。 戎峻曾与加拿大西部的主要交响乐团如:温哥华交响乐团,维多利亚交响乐团和卡加利爱乐乐团等有过合作演出。除了演奏中国传统曲目外,戎峻也作了很多跨文化的合作。她在温哥华跨文化乐团演奏高胡和二胡,而她用二胡与当地竖琴演奏家的组合也开拓了中西合璧的一种特殊音乐风格。她们的组合以演奏当地作曲家的作品为主。她们不仅在各种类型的音乐节和音乐会上演奏,也被邀请在温哥华世界竖琴大会开幕式上为来自世界各地的音乐家表演。她们的合作和演出在温哥华最有权威的音乐艺术方面的报章报道。戎峻曾被温 哥华中华文化中心邀请在与来自美国纽约具有国际声誉的织女弦乐四重奏团合作中担任独奏。她的表演在温哥华太阳报对该音乐会报道中被称为"光辉的二胡演奏"戎峻与中国的音乐出版社合作制作了有高度学术性的刘天华十首二胡曲专辑,并作为刘天华诞辰120周年的纪念光碟在中国正式出版发行。戎峻现被中国音乐学院任命为中国音乐学院温哥华校友会副会长。


Jun Rong is an Erhu instructor at Capilano University and teaches

the very first Erhu Major in Vancouver. She is also the Vancouver alumni association vice president of the China Conservatory of Music.

Jun learned Erhu from her father ever since she was a child. She was admitted into the China Conservatory of Music high school at the age of 12, under Qing Jiang (daughter of Mr.  Fengzhi Jiang master and pioneer of Erhu), Churong He, and Professor Zunlian Zhang’s tutelage. She then was admitted into the China Conservatory of Music undergraduate program under professor Dewei Cao's apprenticeship. During school, she majored in Erhu with a minor in Guzheng and piano. Upon graduation, she received a bachelor's degree with honours from the China Conservatory of Music and successfully held a Erhu solo concert. After graduation, Jun worked at the China Opera and Dance Orchestra as an Erhu soloist and band performer. Jun, along with the China Opera and Dance Orchestra, performed in multiple countries across the world.

After moving to Canada, Jun continued her Erhu career in Vancouver's growing multi-cultural music scene. She has participated in large-scale symphony concerts, chamber concerts, film dubbings, CD recordings, music festivals, and Canadian national television and radio. Her musical skills gained wide recognition from industry professionals, and audiences from all cultures are captivated by her performances.

Jun has performed with major symphony orchestras in Canada, such as the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Victoria Symphony Orchestra, and the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra. The Vancouver Chinese Cultural Centre invited Jun to be a soloist in collaboration with the internationally renowned Vega String Quartet from New York. Concert critics from the Vancouver Sun newspaper called it "a brilliant Erhu performance."

In addition to playing traditional Chinese repertoire, Jun has made many cross-cultural collaborations. As part of the Erhu and Harp Duet, Jun collaborated with local harpists to develop a unique music style combining Chinese and Western music. The Erhu and Harp Duet performed at many festivals and were invited to perform at the Vancouver World Harp Convention opening ceremony. Jun also played Gaohu and Erhu in the Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra.

Jun has released several CDs. In particular, Jun has published a highly academic commemorative CD for the 120th anniversary of Liu Tianhua called "10 masterworks of Liu Tianhua" in collaboration with prestigious Chinese music publishing houses. Liu Tianhua was the most important Chinese composer for erhu music in the 20th century.

Jun is also a very experienced teacher. She teaches various Erhu courses systematically for students of different ages and levels. Her teaching methods are well-diversified, from individual lessons to large-scale seminars. Jun also runs her own Erhu studio. Her students have made excellent achievements. One student has played with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra at the Orpheum Theatre to promote multi-cultural music to school audiences from the Vancouver School Board. Her student from Capilano University has won the top prize at a music competition within the University.

About the album of Liu Tian Hua 10 master works for erhu